Programming Paradigms

Ludmila Korchnoy
1 min readMar 12, 2021

There are several kinds of major programming paradigms: Imperative, Functional, Object-Oriented, I will cover it and give examples of programming languages or libraries that support it.

Procedural Programming is a programming paradigm derived from Imperative programming, that relies on procedures, step-by-step instructions for computers to perform. Ruby supports Procedural Programming, Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming.

Functional Programming is a programming paradigm that relies on passing data from function to function to get a result. Functions in Functional Programming have to be pure functions. Pure functions produce the same output value, given the same input and have no side effects. Redux promotes the use of functional programming for managing state. Reducers in Redux are just pure functions.

Object-Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm that relies on data and behavior. It’s about encapsulating data and behavior into objects. There are also classes in OOP. Class is a blueprint for creating objects. Javascript is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first-class functions, also known as scripting language for web pages (MDN Web Docs).

You can choose which computer language is next to learn, or create your project based on programming paradigms. Happy coding!



Ludmila Korchnoy

Hello World! I’m a Full stack web developer experienced in Ruby and JavaScript frameworks. I graduated Flatiron School in October of 2020.